Community Recycles Plastics (CRP)


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The Mariana Islands Nature Alliance launced the Community Recycles Plastics program in April 2023, a recycling initiative aimed towards introducing a circular economy mindset into CNMI communities. 
Partnered schools and organizations host plastic collection bins and 3-in-1 upcycling machines, which houses a shredder, extrusion, and injection component. These are used to turn collected and recyclable plastics into various usable products.
Since the program’s inception, MINA has distributed 90 recycling bins and four 3-in-1 plastic recycling machines to 18 locations in Saipan: 10 schools, 3 offices, 3 community hubs, and 2 secondary institutions.





Bowl & lid, toy blocks, carabiners, fishing floats & latte pendants.
Gecko pendant, rulers, cutlery handle & bag clip.
Beads, latte pendants & fishing floats.








Last Updated 4/30/2024