About the Adopt-A-Bin Program
- To prevent trash from being littered by placing recyclable and mixed solid waste bins at 11 of the most popular beach sites.
- Facilitate proper disposal at beaches preventing marine debris from entering Saipan’s waters.
- Continue to grow an island culture of recycling to promote waste separation, proper disposal and reducing the amount of land-based sources of marine debris.
To prevent harm to living marine resources by reducing the amount of land-based sources of marine debris;
- Restore the island's natural scenic views; and
- Extend the life of Saipan's Landfill by fostering recycling in Saipan.
Why Adopt-A-Bin?
- Saipan is the most populated island of the CNMI, visited daily by hundreds of residents and tourists, making the seashore and dive sites the mainstay of our economy.
- Saipan’s west shore is a benthic habitat of diverse coral and large seagrass beds.
- Over 250 fish species have been recorded in more than 24 lagoon habitats.
- As many as 11 vulnerable, threatened, or endangered species live in these waters.
- Saipan’s rich reef and habitats are at risk from land-based sources of marine debris polluting the surrounding waters, posing a significant risk to aquatic life from entanglement, ingestion, and smothering.
What has been done?
- MINA installed 11 public recycling and mixed waste bins at the following beaches:
- Susupe Basketball Court, Civic Center
- 13 Fishermen, Beach Road (2 bins)
- Mt. Tapochau
- PauPau Beach (2 bins)
- Minachom Atdao
- Obyan Beach
- Garpan Fishing Base
- LaoLao Bay
- Sugar Dock
- Thanks to our business sponsors, their donations of $2,000 a year continue to pay for weekly trash collection.
How can you help?
How can you help as an individual?
- At the beach, throw your trash in the green bins separating glass, metal, and plastic.
- Don't rely on the bins. If it is full or there aren't any, take your trash home.
- Remember that these bins are to help keep marine debris out of our waters and not for your household or business trash.
Looking at our progress from the mountain to the ocean, from the windward to the leeward side .... Step up, CNMI! Let's keep CNMI litter-free on land and sea!
Last Updated 1/23/2025