Asia Pacific Hotels Adopt-A-Bin on Mt. Tapochao

After a month of planning, the managers and staff of Fiesta Resort, Century Hotel and Saipan Grand Hotel, gladly stood in the rain last Tuesday to witness the installation of their new MINA Adopt-a-Bin on Mt. Tapochao. “Tourism is our island’s foremost industry and the backbone of the CNMI’s economy. Our companies are committed to sustaining its future. We thought, ‘What better way than protecting Saipan’s highest peak, one of our most visited scenic views.’” said Lina Dimaano, Vice President for Finance of Tan Holdings, and the Project Chairman of the organization’s Going Green initiatives. “The overlook also holds a special place in many residents’ hearts. We hope that by placing bins here, we will encourage visitors to do their share by keeping this beautiful overlook clean for everyone to enjoy.”

The bins were hauled up a heavily rutted road and placed in the parking area by Ericco Enterprises, the company contracted by MINA to provide weekly trash collection services to this and 13 other sites. Convenient public mixed waste and recycling bins can now be found at 14 sites, including Wing Beach, Garapan Fishing Base, 13 Fishermen Monument, Kilili Beach, Ada Gymnasium, Susupe Beach Park, Sugar Dock, Obyan Beach, Laolao Beach, Marine Beach, and now, Mt. Tapochao.

“This latest installation ties Saipan’s ridges to its reefs and stands as a reminder to all that what we do on land affects our ocean.” said MINA Executive Director, Sam Sablan. “Next year, we expect to continue the MINA Adopt-a-Bin Program, as well as several other environmental stewardship projects.” said Sablan. “I think self-awareness is a key element of stewardship. This means consciously choosing to do what is right for the environment, even when it may be a bit inconvenient. The smallest task, like picking up litter instead of stepping over it, sends a powerful message to those around you. It’s important to protect the one thing that we can never replace – “Mother Earth.”

For more information about MINA’s Adopt-a-Bin Program and other environmental projects, please visit www.minapacific.org or contact 233-Reef, or minaoutreach@gmail.com.


 MINA Volunteer Corps in Action!

Members from Saipan Southern High's YEA club participate in various Marine Debris outreach activities throughout the month of December.

Remember, if you are interested in becoming a volunteer or member please don't hesitate to talk to us at 233 - REEF or send us an email at admin@minapacific.org!